Can Renewable Generation, Energy Storage and Energy Efficient Technologies Enable Carbon-Neutral Energy Transition? The Case of Cornell University Campus and New York State
by Fengqi You
Energy system decarbonization has been a critical measure to combat climate change. Systems modeling, optimization, and design plays an important role in the design of cost-effective energy transition pathways. In this presentation, we will introduce a bottom-up, multi-scale systems optimization framework for renewable energy transitions, which bridges the decarbonization processes for the electric power sector and the heating/cooling sector, while considering energy system stability, climate targets, and different operational time scales of diverse energy generation and storage technologies. The framework is then applied to design the campus energy systems of Cornell University with deep water source cooling, geothermal heating, and green electricity towards 100% renewables in 2035. Another application of the framework is on the decarbonization pathway planning for New York State’s electricity and space heating energy system. We will discuss how the results can facilitate developing energy transition policies regarding carbon price and geothermal technologies. Our findings reveal the feasibility of carbon neutral energy transition using renewable generation, energy storage, and energy-efficient technologies.