The 7th Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory (SPIL) Scientific Conference in Conjunction with Renewable Energy System for Residential Building Heating and Electricity Production (RESHeat) Workshop
1 – 3 November 2023 (Hybrid), Mikulov, Czech Republic
SPIL Scientific Conference 2023 will be held in hybrid mode at the town of Mikulov in South Moravia, Czech Republic. It is a town surrounded by history dating back to the Paleolithic Age and beautiful vineyards.
Location: Hotel Volarik, Mikulov – Winner Reward of Amazing Places 2022
SPIL scientific conference was founded by Prof Jiří Jaromír Klemeš. The 7th SPIL conference is in memory of Prof Jiří Jaromír Klemeš where SPIL family would like to honour his contribution. The three best presenters will be awarded Jiří Jaromír Klemeš Memorial Award: Best Presenters and invited to submit their work to a Special Issue or Energies Special Issues dedicated to Prof Jiří Jaromír Klemeš.
The conference serves as a networking platform for collaboration on sustainability research, particularly topics as listed:
- Process Integration
- Waste and wastewater management
- Waste to Energy
- Renewable Energy and Utility System
- Footprint minimisation and mitigation
- Cleaner production and Circular Economy
- Technoeconomic and Life Cycle Assessment
- Process analysis and modelling
- Mathematical optimisation
But are not limited to the mentioned topics. Sustainable solutions, improving the process/conversion effectiveness, economical, environmental and social aspects, as well as policy implementation for environmental footprint mitigation, are within the interest of this conference.
Presented works (with active participation) in SPIL’ 23 will be invited to select (the choice will be evaluated and decided by editors) and submit their work to the Special Issue. World leading researchers will be invited as the Plenary Speaker or Guest of Honor to provide the up-to-date insight of their respective expertise.
List of Special Issues:
- Energy (IF = 9.000)
- Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (IF = 4.3)
Workshop in conjunction with SPIL'23
Renewable Energy System for Residential Building Heating and Electricity Production (RESHeat) Workshop, 1 November 2023, Brno, Czech Republic

RESHeat is a research project carried out under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research program, the H2020-EU program. 3.3.1. – “Reducing energy consumption and carbon foorpint by smart and sustainable use”, theme LC-SC3-B4E-8-2020 – “Renewable and energy efficient solutions for heating and / or cooling, and domestic hot water production in multi-apartment residential buildings “.
More information about the workshop will be updated soon
Important Dates
- The Start of Abstract Submission: 1 April 2023
- Abstract Due: 25 October 2023
- The Start of Registration: 1 May 2023
- Early Bird Registration Due: 15 October 2023
Social Program

A unique museum hidden under the ground on the exact spot where 30,000 years ago lived mammoth hunters. We will take a look at the exhibits from that era and – for a moment – go back in time to our deepest past and see one of the oldest ceramic figurine in the world – Venus of Dolní Věstonice.

Oral Presentation: Both onsite and online presenters are required to prepare a prerecorded video (narrated presentation) according to the instruction in COMET system. The allocated duration is a maximum of 15 minutes, including a Q&A session. The pre-recorded video will be placed on the virtual conference platform and enabled for playback during the conference for the online audience. This format is employed to facilitate the participants from different time zone. Participants will be able to listen to the presentation at any time. Questions and answers for online participation are conducted by typing. Presenters will receive a notification if questions or comments are directed to the presentation.
Poster Presentation: Both onsite and online presenters are required to prepare a prerecorded video (narrated presentation) according to the instruction in COMET system with a maximum of 3 slides and 3-5 minutes of narration. The format/size of printed poster (onsite presenter only) is A0.
Registration Fees
Early Bird (Extended to 15 October 2023)
- Regular Presenter (Onsite): 200 EUR (Including 21 % VAT); 4.740 Kč vč. DPH
- Regular Presenter (Online): 130 EUR (Including 21 % VAT); 3.081 Kč vč. DPH
- Reduced Fees for Student (Onsite): 150 EUR (Including 21 % VAT); 3.555 Kč vč. DPH
- Reduced Fees for Student (Online): 100 EUR (Including 21 % VAT); 2.370 Kč vč. DPH
After Early Bird
- Regular Presenter (Onsite): 250 EUR (Including 21 % VAT); 5.925 Kč vč. DPH
- Regular Presenter (Online): 180 EUR (Including 21 % VAT); 4.266 Kč vč. DPH
- Reduced Fees for Student (Onsite): 200 EUR (Including 21 % VAT); 4.740 Kč vč. DPH
- Reduced Fees for Student (Online): 150 EUR (Including 21 % VAT); 3.555 Kč vč. DPH
Plenary Speakers
Prof Ferenc Friedler (Széchenyi István University, Hungary)

Presentation Title: Resilience of Processing Systems: Analysis and Synthesis
Short Biography:
Rector/Professor at Széchenyi István University (SzIU) and head of National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence at SzIU, Hungary. His main research activity is related to the developments and applications of effective methods for process design and operation, especially, for process network synthesis, heat exchanger network synthesis, process integration, energy savings, supply chain management, wastewater treatment, process reliability engineering, and batch process scheduling.
He is one of the founders of the P-graph framework that provides a theoretical basis for a wide range of applications in process synthesis. Supervised more than one hundred national and international R&D projects. Founder, chair, and co-chair of international scientific conferences. Board member of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers (EFCE) and member of the Computer Aided Process Engineering Working Party of the EFCE. Graduated in mathematics, received CSc and DSc degrees in chemical engineering. Honored with several awards including Knight’s Cross Order of Merit and John von Neumann Prize.
Prof Zdravko Kravanja (University of Maribor, Slovenia)

Presentation Title: The role of mathematical programming in a combined holistic approach to the synthesis of sustainable production systems
Short Biography:
Zdravko Kravanja is a Professor and the Dean in the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the University of Maribor, Slovenia.
He joined the university after several years in industry (1981-1985). He was Visiting Researcher (1988-89) and Visiting Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, US (1997), and Guest Professor at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Lyngby on several occasions (from 1998 on). He was awarded with Pannonia Award in 2015 and Slovenian state price – Zois award for excellence in science in 2017. He was President of the Slovenian Academic Association for Engineering and Natural Sciences (SATENA) (2010-2011). He has recently become an associate member of Slovenian Academy of Engineering. His research over the years has been devoted mainly to the development of algorithmic techniques, strategies, and computerised tools for sustainable Process Systems Engineering, including Heat and Water Integration. Together with Professor Grossmann, he has developed a unique mixed-integer process synthesizer shell called MIPSYN, now upgrading to MIPSYN-Global. Recently, his research has been oriented towards the synthesis of sustainable systems, e.g. renewable based biofuel supply networks, using multi-objective optimization and monetary based sustainability measurements, sustainability profit and sustainability net present value. He has (co)-authored around 160 publications in scientific journals.
Prof. Dr. Sandro Nižetić, University of Split, Croatia
Head of department of Thermodynamics

Presentation Title: Photovoltaic technologies and applications in energy transition
Short Biography:
Prof. Dr. Sandro Nižetić is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB) at University of Split (Croatia). His research is in the field of thermodynamics, energy, energy efficiency in buildings, smart technologies and renewable energy sources. He has twenty years of the teaching experience and from 2005 he is an ASHRAE member and also ASHRAE student branch advisor at University of Split. He has worked on various projects related to the implementation of energy efficiency measures in public buildings under the auspices of UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). He was also the head of the several national research’s projects. He also served as a Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Construction and Spatial Planning in the Croatian government, and also as Vice Dean of Research at FESB. Prof. Dr. Nižetić has organized and chaired several international conferences (IEES, ICH2P,SpliTech,ICRIC, GCGW-21,PRES-22 etc). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Energy Sources Part A (Taylor&Francis) and Associate Editor in the Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier) and Associate Editor of Solar Energy Journal. Prof. Dr. Nižetić has published over 200 research and conference papers, as well as several techno-economic professional case studies and has visited several research and educational institutions worldwide as visiting researcher or as visiting lecturer. He has organized over thirty SI in various journals. For his research work he received several major awards including the Croatian State Prize for the research for 2016 and 2021, as well as also Rector prize for the research from the University of Split for 2018 and 2020. Based on the Stanford and Elsevier ranking list he was among 2% of the World’s top cited scientist in 2019, 2020 ,2021 and 2022 for single year and overall career.